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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided, being inserted in references and not in footnotes, and without hyperlink.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal, according to our Journal Style Template (point 5 of the Guidelines).
  • The submission includes authorship data and article metadata in a separate document, according to the model of point 6 of Form metadata and author data.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • The images, photographs or illustrations used are in public domain or were authorized by copyright holders, being the authors' full responsibility to use them, the indication of the source in the text of the article and the presentation of the authorization at the time of submission.

Author Guidelines

1. The submission of works works on a continuous flow basis. The publications of each volume will be carried out in the months of July and December of each year, and the works may be published in advance in the Pre-publication section (Ahead of print)

1.1. The Journal comprises 8 (eight) sections, which are: Capture; Criptic, Criptic Capture; Dossier; Interviews; Entries; Reviews and Translations.

  • Capture: articles and essays focused on legal practices and normativities, privileging critical perspectives;
  • Criptic: articles and essays aimed at reflecting on the theoretical, philosophical, historical, political, sociological, economic and anthropological dimensions of Law;
  • Criptic Capture: texts, manifestos and artistic and literary productions;
  • Dossier: dedicated to works that discuss the thinking of great authors in the field of Law or current themes of importance to the area, chosen annually by the members of the Editorial Board;
  • Interviews: conducted with social actors who transit through the areas corresponding to the editorial lines of the magazine;
  • Entries: texts that talk about a word or expression, concept or institute, that contain multiple interpretations or meanings, conveying current themes related to the editorial lines of the magazine;
  • Reviews: of works from the various areas of knowledge, from classic to recent works, giving preference to critical analyses whose content exceeds the simple summary;
  • Translations: of originals of scientific texts from the large area of the human sciences, as well as of artistic and literary texts considered of restricted access to Portuguese speakers, provided that they are duly authorized by the author of the original text.

1.2. It is a condition for publication that the works are contemplated by the editorial policy of the magazine, satisfying, above all, the criteria of criticality and originality. Consultation of the presentation of the Journal (Manifesto) and its editorials of the previous editions can help in understanding the proposal of its editorial policy.

2. It is suggested that the productions have at least 15 and do not exceed 30 pages in the articles and trials of the sections Capture, Cryptic and Dossier. Also, that do not exceed 10 pages in reviews, artistic and/or literary textual productions of the sections Reviews and Cryptic Capture; 15 pages in Interviews and Translations; and 5 pages in Entries.

2.1. No more than 2 articles will be published per volume of the same author, including in co-authorship. The articles are limited to a maximum of 3 co-authorships.

3. A4 sheet with left and upper margins of 3 cm, and right and bottom margins of 2 cm.

4. The articles and essays of the Captura, Críptica and Dossier sections must comply with the following rules, under penalty of refusal:

4.1. Centered title, without capital letters, in bold;

4.2. Title in Spanish and English, below the title, without uppercase, in italics;

4.3. An abstract in Portuguese, just below the title in English, justified alignment, and the word "Abstract" must be written in bold, without italics, followed by two points, without special indentation in the first line;

4.4. Keywords, which must be in a maximum number of 5 (five), separated by a point and finalized by a period, in Portuguese, justified alignment; they must be written in the line immediately below the summary in Portuguese, in the same formatting of it, and, at the beginning, it should be written "Keywords", followed by two dots, without italics and

4.5. Abstract in foreign language, both in Spanish and in English, just below the keywords in Portuguese, which must be written in the same manner as the abstract in Portuguese;

4.6. Keywords in a foreign language, which must be written in the line immediately below the abstract in Portuguese, written in the same way as the keywords in Portuguese;

4.7. Writing of the subtitles (introduction, final considerations, references, among others) in lowercase letters (with the exception of the first word of the sentence and certain nouns, which should start with uppercase), in the same formatting as the main text, in bold, without indentation in relation to the margin of the page, observing the space of 01 blank line before and 01

4.8. Obligatorily, the first subdivision of the article should be named as "Introduction" and the last as "Final considerations";

4.9. All text must be written in Times new roman font, size 12, line spacing of 1.5, first line indentation of 1.5 cm, paragraph spacing of 0 pt before and 0 pt after, with the exception:

4.9.1. Abstracts in vernacular and Spanish and English, as well as keywords, which must be written in size 10, with single line spacing;

4.9.2. From the footnotes, which must be written in size 10, single line spacing, left alignment;

4.9.3. Of the quotations greater than 3 (three) lines, which must be written in size 10, single line spacing, with indentation of 4cm, observing the space of 01 blank line before and 01 blank line after in the same formatting as the quote (size 10, single spacing);

4.9.4. Of the references, which must be written in size 12, single line spacing, alignment on the left, observing the spacing of 01 (one) blank line between each reference;

4.10. The body of the text must be written with justified alignment, with a special indentation of 1.5 cm to the left in the first line of each paragraph of the body of the text, with the exception of citations with more than 3 (three) lines, which must have a indentation of 4 cm to the left for the entire highlighted text block, without special indentation in the first

4.11. The body of the text should not contain additional spacing (line jumps) between one paragraph and the other;

4.12. The submitted file must not contain any kind of page numbering;

4.13. Direct and indirect citations made throughout the text must be made in accordance with the author-data call system, and discrimination of the page on which the extracted information is located is mandatory, with the exception of references to non-paged works. As an example:

  • "According to Milton Santos, in his work 'For another globalization'... (Santos, 2001, p. 19-20)”.

4.14. The merely explanatory notes should appear in the footer of the pages, with progressive numbering, and the use of end notes is not allowed;

4.15. Writing of the subtitles (introduction, final considerations, references, among others) in bold, without italics, without any indent to the left;

4.16. All subtitles must be numbered, with the exception of the introduction, final considerations and references, which should not count for the numbering sequence of the other subtitles;

4.17. The references must appear at the end of the text, according to the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), in alphabetical order and with indication of the name of the translator, if any. By way of example:

  • An author: ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques. O contrato social. Translation by Antonio de Padua Danesi. 3. ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1996.
  • Two authors: BILLIER, Jean-Cassien; MARYIOLI, Aglaé. História da filosofia do direito. Translation by Maurício de Andrade. Barueri: Manole, 2005.
  • More than three authors: SWEEZY, Paul; DOBB, Maurice; TAKAHASHI,Kohachiro; HILTON, Rodney; HILL, Christopher; LEFEBVRE, Georges; PROCACCI, Giuliano; HOBSCAWM, Eric; MERRINGTON, John. A transição do feudalismo para o capitalismo
  • . 5 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Peace and Earth, 2004.

5. A template file compatible with Microsoft Word, containing quick formatting styles in accordance with the journal's standards, will always be available at the following link, and its use by authors is extremely recommended: Click on this link to download the file to papers and reviews

6. Data on the authorship and metadata of the article must be sent in a separate document at the time of submission, and the elements expressed in the following file must also be included: Form metadata and author data

Captura Críptica

The Captura Críptica section is about texts, manifestos and artistic and literary productions


Section dedicated to works that discuss the thought of great authors in the field of Law or current issues of importance to the area, chosen annually by the members of the Editorial Board.

This section has double blind review and is indexed.


These are texts that discuss a word or expression, concept or institute, which compose multiple interpretations or meanings, conveying current issues related to the editorial lines of the magazine.


These are original translations of scientific texts from the major area of the humanities, as well as artistic and literary texts considered restricted to Portuguese speakers, provided that they are duly authorized by the author of the original text.


These are interviews conducted with social actors who move through the areas corresponding to the editorial lines of the magazine.


These are articles and essays focused on legal practices and activities, focusing on critical perspectives.

This section has double blind review and is indexed.


These are articles and essays aimed at reflecting the theoretical, philosophical, historical, political, sociological, economic and anthropological dimensions of law.

This section has double blind review and is indexed.


These are reviews of works from various areas of knowledge, from classic to recent works, giving preference to critical analyzes whose content goes beyond the simple summary.

This section has double blind review and is indexed.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.