Machinery Industry. Industrial Waste. Reverse Logistics. Recycling. SustainabilityAbstract
The current concern with the environment has led industries to seek compliance with norms, standards and specifications imposed by the Government and by society, aiming to minimize environmental impacts. Thus, the study aimed to analyze reverse logistics practices in the large and medium-sized machinery industry in the municipalities of Blumenau, Pomerode and Gaspar (SC) associated with SIMMMEB, through the analysis of the degree of knowledge transmission on the theme between company-collaborator and evaluations of the practices carried out by the companies. Refers to applied research with a quantitative approach and qualitative research method. Data collection was performed through the application of a questionnaire, obtaining 100% of suitable answers, with 15 companies evaluated. The main results obtained were the vulnerability of knowledge transmitted about Reverse Logistics and Remanufacturing, good adhesion to packaging reuse and a high rate of waste disposal in secondary markets. From these, it was possible to conclude that the companies do not have enough knowledge to generate structured initiatives that encompass the main practices of reverse logistics.References
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