Logística reversa, coco verde, consumidor, varejistaAbstract
The concern of Brazilians with health increases the consumption of healthy foods and fresh coconut water plays a special role in the coastal regions, but at the same time it triggers a problematic scenario of great generation of post-consumer green coconut wastes. In this context, the objective of this research is to evaluate the perception of the main actors related to the shared responsibility in the post-consumption green coconut husk waste management on the coast and capital of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Initially, a bibliographic review was performed on the topic followed by a survey of primary data using field research with interview application and questionnaire of a total of 346 points of consumption of fresh green coconut water in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Based on the results obtained in the found profile of the actors, it was evident that, for the most part, they demonstrated knowledge and interest about the subject. In the average of the 4 regions studied, the participation in the management of the post-consumer green coconut husk of the waste pickers, public managers and distributors, retailers and consumers were 100%, 88%, 81%, 76% and 13%, respectively. Regarding the viability of the management of post-consumer green coconut husk on average 71%, 30% and 3% of the actors consider the same as high, medium, and low, respectively. In this way, management of the post-consumer green coconut shell is a viable alternative capable of strengthening the links to a more sustainable chain by the potential use of this waste as raw material.References
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