


Natural disasters, ENSO, Santa Catarina


Population growth and increased population density, as well as the effect of climate change and climatological events, have increased the vulnerability of communities and raised the discussion about resilience in cities, especially communities living in areas at risk. Therefore, the data on natural disasters of the climatological, geological, hydrological, meteorological and biological groups that affected the state of Santa Catarina from 1998 to 2019 were analyzed. The analysis included information on ENSO incidence levels. Initially, it was identified that natural disasters in the state of Santa Catarina occur due to hydrology and meteorology typical of the region, and they were mainly due to accumulations of rain and more massive population densities. The history of natural disasters contributes to the monitoring to visualize the consequences in the State, and contributes with information and awareness of the population, to prevent and prepare the population to face natural disasters

Author Biographies


Patricia Medeiros, Engenharia Ambiental. | Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina | Mestrado em Ciencias ambientais| Palhoça, Santa(SC) - Brasil | Correspondência para: R. Francisco Jose de Silva  325 - Guarda do Cubatão , Palhoça - SC, 88135 822) | e-mail:

Rodrigo Paulo Raimundo, IFSC - Instituto Federal de Educação

Rodrigo Paulo Raimundo, Graduando. | IFSC | Eng. Elétrica | Florianópolis, SC - Brasil| Correspondência para: Rua Capri, 432 - Pagani - Palhoça/ SC. Cep: 88.132-299| e-mail:

Susana Claudete Costa

SUSANA CLAUDETE COSTA, ENGENHEIRA AMBIENTAL E SANITARISTA, Mestra em Ciências Ambientais. | Defesa Civil de Santa Catarina | Curso | Palhoça, SC - Brasil| Correspondência para: Rua Capri 423 - ap. 603 | e-mail:


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How to Cite

Magnago, R. F., Medeiros, P., Raimundo, R. P., & Costa, S. C. (2021). NATURAL DISASTERS IN THE STATE OF SANTA CATARINA - 1998 TO 2019. ix Sustentável, 7(4), 105–114.

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