The plea bargaining legal institute and the anti-crime law project: the punitive longing and violation of article 5, item LXI, of the Brazilian Federal Constitution
Criminal law, Politics, ConstitutionAbstract
The present article aims to analyze from a critical way the expansion process of negotiated procedural mechanisms within the Brazilian criminal justice. Therefore, the article seeks to conduct an analysis of the plea bargaining legal institute, also known as the “bargain institute”, and its relation with the Anticrime Law Project proposed by Justice Minister Sérgio Moro. Thus, considering the origin, the history and the development of the aforementioned institute, this research aims to point out the legal viability of its application in the country order. Lastly, it tries to comprehend how the proposals inserted on the Projeto de Lei Anticrime (Anticrime Law Project), clearly influenced by a punitive ideal, could represent a violation of article 5, item LXI, of the Brazilian Federal Constitution.
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