[EXTENSION OF THE DEADLINE] Dossier “Socio-criminal control, its militarization and repression of social, popular and rural movements”


The Captura Críptica Journal informs that the call for publication in the Dossier “Socio-criminal control, its militarization and repression of social, popular and rural movements” (v. 12, n. 2, 2023) is extended until July 31, 2023.

Submissions should include the thematic axes expressed in the Call for Dossier: https://ojs.sites.ufsc.br/index.php/capturacriptica/announcement/view/67

Send us your contribution!

Organizers: Bruna Martins Costa, Fellipe Chersoni, Leonardo Evaristo Teixeira and Marília de Nardin Budó.