[CALL FOR PAPERS] Dossier “Racisms: Bodies, policies, cities, powers and dominations in hatred times”
Dossier “Racisms: Bodies, policies, cities, powers and dominations in hatred times”
Nenhum corpo está a serviço
do poder do outro.
O meu, o nosso corpo protegido
é expressão de axé.
Da dádiva, da germinação.
Do sagrado, do divino.
Do cuidado, do amparo ancestral.
O corpo é expressão da vida.
Que jamais conspira.
Para que o corpo negro seja
um grão de areia.
Esquecido, pequeno, insignificante.
Sem território, sem alma
velado no chão.
Hélen Diogo[1]
The present dossier proposes the production of knowledge and dialogue with the multiple intersections of the Racisms, in order to guide thoughts outside the conducting axis of the coloniality of power[2] and the domination of docile bodies[3], overcoming the constraints of the colonizer-colonized binomial, which hierarchies, subjugates, fragments and violently, at will, black populations.
It is not too much to point out that racisms are not located only in zones of individualized, personalized and unilateral discussions, but occupy territories of dispute that question and call for debate the relational field of whiteness, and of the social networks, with the construct race and the productions of racisms as a work of modernity.
The eloquence with which racial struggles gain access to the internet, newspapers and television signals that the echoes of Black Lives (to) Matter are increasingly intense and necessary, since they do not silence the perversity of racial erasure and decimation. Many questions arise, such as: Which (black) lives matter? When will black people be, in fact, free? How much is the black body worth in a hierarchical society dynamized by racism? There are endless questions, which give rise to answers at the level of complexity that guide peculiar forms, even today, of the Brazilian State, to operate the management of black and peripheral bodies, in alleys and peripheries, separated, if possible, from the city, from the rights and guarantees, annihilated from their essence and existence
It should be noted that the absence of State policies, of an education for ethnic-racial relations, of a critical and anti-discriminatory legal pedagogy in the face of the current situation, which flirts and directs hateful behavior, suggests and calls for referrals that disagree with a racist society that values racialized bodies, admits them into the sphere of conditioning, if possible, manual labor and servility, discards humanity and black presence and combines them with an imperious necropolitics[4], since blackness acts as an impediment to citizenship. The black community, despite the pains throughout history, the racial alienation that prevents physical, material and symbolic life, re-exists without the right to a flame of dreaming and free living. If freedom is still a route, a path to be found, in the same tune is the unpayable debt[5] that the State is far from paying off when it comes to equity, justice and dignity of the human and black person.
Thus, it complements the central theme of the Dossier “Racisms: Bodies, policies, cities, powers and dominations in hatred times”, the following topics:
- Affirmative Actions
- Black Epistemologies
- African Philosophy and Knowledge
- Black Feminism
- Black Literature
- Afro-Brazilian Cultural Heritage
- Environmental Racism
- Institutional Racism
- Racism in Sport
- African Origin Religions
- Algorithmic racism
- Other forms of Racisms against indigenous peoples, gypsies and foreigners.
The deadline for submitting articles, reviews, entries, interviews and artistic interventions is January 30, 2023.
Organizers: Hélen Rejane Silva Maciel Diogo (PPGD/UFSC); Daniel Machado da Conceição (PPGE/UFSC); and Jefferson Virgílio (ICS-ULisboa).
[1] Poética em Epígrafe in: DIOGO, Hélen Rejane Silva Maciel. Corpos, sobrevivências e o (des)enraizamento da colonialidade no contexto do novo coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2). Dossiê "Estratégias Decoloniais: perspectivas antirracistas e contra-hegemônicas", v. 4, n. 2, 2020.
[2] QUIJANO, Aníbal. Dom Quixote e os moinhos de vento na América Latina. “Estudos Avançados”, v. 19, n. 55, pp. 9-31, 2005.
[3] FOUCAULT, Michel. Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison. Vintage, 2012.
[4] MBEMBE. Achille. Necropolitics. Durham: Duke University Press, 2019.
[5] SILVA, Denise Ferreira da. A Dívida Impagável. São Paulo: 2019.