Sustainability, Sugar cane bagasse, Lignin Resin, New ProductsAbstract
People's way of consumption over the years has caused a great environmental impact. In the search for a more sustainable development, a possible alternative is the development of composites that have in their composition products of plant origin. Thus, this project discusses the use of sugarcane bagasse with lignin-based resin in a composite, applied in a new solution to packaging design bringing sustainable innovation. The composites obtained used an average granulometric fraction of sugarcane bagasse, agglutinated with 30% lignin-based resin/particles and manufactured in a pressing cycle of: 3 t, 100ºC, 10 min, obtained with an average density of 750 kg /m³. Workability tests were carried out in laboratories, such as processing, drilling and sanding, which showed satisfactory results that allow the applicability of the composite. The material obtained proved to be light, resistant, with a satisfactory texture and look. A brainstorming application of the composite was carried out and it was decided to apply it in a package for higher value-added products (PMVA). The prototype, called Reinvent, has a rustic look, practicality, versatility and easy handling. A survey was carried out with a group of people to validate the prototype.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Isabella Christina de Lima e Santos, Ugo Leandro Belini, André Christian Keinert

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