Sustainability, Scientific field, Bibliometric study, Scientific productionAbstract
The main theoretical challenge posed to the authors was to find out if there are elements in academic production that justify claiming independence and autonomy for the scientific field of sustainability, which is its main objective. Methodologically, it was a matter of carrying out a bibliographical research, with an exploratory and descriptive character. The technique used for data collection, obtaining results and constructing answers to the posed questions was the bibliometric study. In this, the collected material was subjected to quantitative analysis, with a survey of the primary sources of information circumscribed to articles published in scientific journals in the time frame from 2017 to 2021, compilation of data and metadata obtained from each source and the interpretation of the findings carried out through of the support software for bibliometric analysis Bibliometrix. The results of the study showed that the authors, in quantitative terms, more productive in the theme of sustainability are of Chinese origin; it was found that the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Portugal and the United States of America also contributed decisively to compose the 57,748 articles analyzed. By analyzing publications, it is possible to suggest that the scientific field of sustainability is already sufficiently consolidated.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Afonso Maria de Almeida Moreira, Daniella Ribeiro Pacobello, Nilton Lúcio Julião, Orandi Mina Falsarella, Duarcides Ferreira Mariosa, Andreia Tessari
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