
  • Lucas Rosse Caldas Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura (PROARQ) Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU UFRJ)



Biomaterials, Life cycle, Service life, Biogenic carbon.


The reuse of wooden pallets in architecture and design is an increasingly observed practice today. It is known that wood is a biomaterial and therefore can store CO2. Thus, the use of wooden pallets has a potential to mitigate the impacts of global warming and climate change, meeting what has been discussed in the so-called circular bioeconomy. The present study aimed to evaluate the carbon footprint of a wooden pallet panel, considering different origins of the pallets and different periods of the panel's service life. We used two methods, ISO 14067 (2014) and ILCD (2011), considering a cradle to grave scope. The inventory was carried out based on primary data with data from the literature and from the Ecoinvent v.3.3 database. The results showed that the scenario with reused pallets and a service life of 40 years was the most advantageous, with a carbon footprint of - 15.09 kgCO2-eq/m², when the ILCD (2011) is used. We conclude that the reuse of pallets in architecture and design projects has a great potential to reduce CO2-eq emissions, justifying the importance of thinking about a circular bioeconomy.

Author Biography

Lucas Rosse Caldas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura (PROARQ) Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU UFRJ)

Professor Adjunto FAU UFRJ. Pesquisador PROARQ, Engenheiro Civil, Ambiental e Sanitarista. Especialista em Engenharia Diagnóstica. Doutor em Engenharia Civil (COPPE/UFRJ).


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