MUTIRÃO IN COB HOUSES BUILDING PROCESS: ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS<p>Mutirão no Processo Construtivo de Casas de Barro: Vantagens e Limitações





Architecture, natural building, social sustainability, mutirão, self-building


Earth still is one of the most common building materials in the world, and is said that because of its low-tech approach
it is a good option for self-construction and mutirão — Portuguese word for collective mobilization for mutual
assistance in a free character. The problem addressed is the feasibility and social gains of the mutirão practice in cob
buildings. The case study is an earthen house that the author designed and self-built in the rural area of Pelotas-RS,
southern Brazil, where more than 80 volunteers helped to build. The general objective is to study the possible gains of
the mutirão practice, and the specific objectives are: a) to define the concept of natural construction and explain the
building technique applied in the house studied (cob); b) to analyse the relationship between mutirão and the complexity
of the building technique; and c) evaluation of the observed social sustainability gains. The results showed that
the mutirão sessions attracted many helpers due to the curiosity about learning an unconventional technique. They
have also contributed to a more playful work environment, despite hard work. It is concluded that natural building and
mutirão complete each other, and can collaborate for practical gains of social sustainability.


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How to Cite

Coimbra, J. M. (2017). MUTIRÃO IN COB HOUSES BUILDING PROCESS: ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS&lt;p&gt;Mutirão no Processo Construtivo de Casas de Barro: Vantagens e Limitações. ix Sustentável, 3(4), 47–61.