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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not under consideration for publication by another journal; otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to editor". The authors agree with the editorial policies of the journal Mix Sustentável, explicit in its declaration of ethics and good practices.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format.

    The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format.
    All the authors' data were informed, with a summary of their resumes, ORCIDs, institution of origin (SIGLA) and full name and other affiliations, as well as the authors' contact information for readers' comments on the material that may be published

  • URLs to the references have been entered in the references.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics rather than underlining (except in URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of appendices.

    Send separately all figures and images in good resolution.

  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Author Guidelines and at
  • In case of submission to a section with peer review (e.g. articles), the instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review were followed.

Author Guidelines

The journal Mix Sustentável is open access on the Open Journal Systems Platform. Submissions are free of charge and there are no charges (no fees for submission, processing or publication of articles). The editors of this journal consider that scientific research with the theme of sustainability should be socialized and shared as much as possible for free, so that it becomes a practice. The articles are peer-reviewed in a double-blind fashion. The editing of the journal is supported by other projects of the Viruthab Research Group that pay for its editing and publication, besides counting on the spontaneous contribution of several renowned researchers in its reviewing process.

The submission template is available at


Articles submitted to Mix Sustentável must be original and unpublished, and in accordance with the policies of this journal, ethical guidelines, and best practices. Please read all the information on the corresponding tab on the top menu of this page before submitting or reviewing an article.

1. introduction

The Introduction section should succinctly describe the theme and context of the work, accompanied by the objectives. The content of the other sections should preferably follow: Section 2: literature review on the theme; Section 3: methodological procedures, where the methods adopted for the development of the research presented in the article will be presented; Section 4: applications and/or results: the author may use as many sections as he/she considers necessary for the presentation of the results.

It is not mandatory to use these specific titles for the sections

2. Formatting to be used

Paper format should be A4 (210x297mm), with the following margins: left 2.0cm, right 2.0cm, top 2.5cm, bottom 2.5cm. All text should be justified (except for the title, authors, tables and figures). No frames or page numbering should be included. The total number of pages should be between 8 and 20, comprising all content, including annexes, appendices, references and acknowledgements.

2.1 Main title

The title of the article should be aligned to the right, Myriad Pro font, size 28, bold and all capital letters. Spacing before 0pt and after 24pt; between lines 24pt.

2.2 English title

The title in English should be aligned to the right, in Myriad Pro font, size 24pt, with all capital letters. Spacing before 0pt and after 0pt; between lines 24pt.

2.3 Author and supervisor

The names of the author and advisor should be followed by their titles, respectively.

(separated by commas) and by the institution of origin (in parentheses). Font: Myriad Pro, size 17. Spacing: 24pt before, 24pt after, line spacing 24pt. Authors' names should be inserted after review by the referees, since the evaluation will be conducted blindfold.

2.4 Key words and keywords

Use Myriad Pro font, size 10pt, in bold, capital letters for titles and normal, only the first letter of each key word. No spacing before or after paragraphs and line spacing of 14pts. Adopt the same formatting for Keywords, however, in italics.

2.5 Abstract

The title of the abstract should be in Myriad Pro 12pt, bold, left aligned, and with line spacing of 24pt before and 0pt after, and line spacing of 14pts. The abstract should contain up to 200 words, in Myriad Pro 10pt, justified, with no spaces before and after, and with line spacing of 14pts. The abstract should follow the same formatting, however, in italics. It should be written in a single paragraph containing the objective, the method, and the main results achieved.

2.6 Title and body text of sections and subsections

The body of the article and its titles should be typed in two columns with 1 cm spacing between them and respecting the general margins.

The titles should be aligned to the left. Periods should not be used in titles.

The use of sections is not mandatory, and the author is free to use them, if he/she deems it appropriate. However, it is important to briefly describe the theme of your paper, accompanied by the objectives.

2.7 Section titles

The titles of the sections should be aligned to the left, in Myriad Pro font, size 12pt, bold and all capital letters

Spacing: 14pt before, 14pt after and line spacing 14pt.

2.8 Sub-section titles

The titles of the subsections should be aligned to the left, in Myriad Pro font, size 12pt, with only the first letter capitalized and the others in lower case. Spacing: 14pt before, 6pt after and line spacing of 14pt. Subsections should have the title in boldface.

2.9 Numbering of sections and subsections

The titles of sections and subsections should be sequentially numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) and using Myriad Pro font, size 12pt. The numbering of the sections and subsections should be consistent with their level in relation to the previous sections and subsections.

2.10 Body text of sections and subsections

should be written in Myriad Pro font, size 10pt, normal, with justified margins on both sides. Spacing: 0pts before, 0pt after, 14pt between lines.

Equations should be centered in the text and sequentially numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses and aligned to the right, according to the model below.

Whenever reference is made to an equation in the text, it should be written "equation (1)". The symbols used in equations should be in italics. Their definition should be made when first mentioned in the text. A symbol definition section is not necessary.

2.11. Figures and Tables

The figures/photographs included in the paper should be of high quality and should be submitted as a separate file.

When using tables and figures, they should be in the body of the text inserted in text boxes with no lines and no internal margins.

If the figure or table is equal or smaller in width than the column width, it should be centered in relation to the column (Figure 01). If the width is greater than the column width, it should be centered in relation to the page (Figure 02). The remaining space on the sides of the figure should not be filled with text.

The legend should be inserted centered above the figure or table, in Myriad Pro font, size 8pt, with spacing before 14pts, after 14pts, and between simple lines.

The source of the figure should be below, aligned to the right, in Myriad Pro font, size 8pt, with spacing before 0pts and after 14pts. If the figure is of your own authorship, it should be accompanied by: "Source: Authors".

The content of the table should be in Myriad Pro font, size 10pt, with single spacing. The main title(s) should be in boldface, and the other information should not be in boldface.

All data in the paper, including those in tables and figures, should be in International System Units (SI). The comma should be the separator between the integer and decimal parts of fractional numbers.

Direct quotations, of up to 3 lines, should appear in the body of the text, with double quotes "quotation example". In the case of indirect citations, cite the author and the year of publication, within parentheses: (AUTHOR, 2015).

Quotations longer than 3 lines should be made outside the main text, without quotation marks and using a 2 cm indentation to the left, in Times New Roman font, size 10 and single spaced.

Footnotes will not be allowed.


The heading "References" is not numbered. All references cited in the article must be listed alphabetically and presented according to ABNT norms. An indentation of 0.5cm should be used for the whole text block and 6pt spacing after the paragraph. References to original sources

of the material cited should be listed at the end of the paper. References should be arranged in numerical order according to their order of appearance in the text.


Acknowledgements to funding sources, participants as well as other appendices may be included at the end of the text.




Contém artigos científicos para socializar a produção acadêmica em forma de artigos científicos buscando a valorização da pesquisa, do ensino e da extensão. Reúne 12 artigos científicos que apresentam o inter-relacionnamento do tema sustentabilidade em projetos, nas áreas do design, engenharia e arquitetura.

Graduação, Iniciação Científica e Pós-graduação

Tem como objetivo a divulgação de Teses, Dissertações e Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso na forma de resumos expandidos e como forma de estimular a divulgação de trabalhos acadêmico-científicos voltados ao projeto para a sustentabilidade.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.