Planned obsolescence of quality in durable consumer goods: brief analysis of its effects on both consumer relations and possible impacts on environmental Brazilian sustainability



Consumerism, Planned Obsolescence, Sustainability, Consumer


Given the consumption habits massively adopted, responsible for the worsening of the ecological footprint, it is clear that the planet is subjected to an environmental crisis, which threatens to be experienced more intensely by future generations. It is important, therefore, to discuss the global society based on the culture of consumerism. Accordingly, by means of a bibliographic review, with descriptive and analytical purpose, it is investigated how the discouragement of wastage can lead to the integrity of consumer relations and preservation of natural elements. This, for believing that efficiency in information can result in sustainable choices. Thus, this study, by analyzing an important auxiliary of this culture: the practice of planned obsolescence of quality in durable goods, tends to infer that, besides being a point to be discussed, it should also be mitigated, for the sake of environmental sustainability. This will also contribute to the solidification of integrity within the scope of Brazilian consumer relations, resulting in the effectiveness of the constitutional right of the duty to inform,which requires state attention. Reiterate, moreover, the importance of broadening the discussion around the lifespans of durable consumer goods.

Author Biography

Bárbara Rhaíssa Pinheiro de Lima, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil

Mestranda em Ciências Jurídicas pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Bacharela em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.


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How to Cite

Pinheiro de Lima, B. R. (2022). Planned obsolescence of quality in durable consumer goods: brief analysis of its effects on both consumer relations and possible impacts on environmental Brazilian sustainability. aptura Críptica: w, olitics, urrent ffairs, 11(1), 263–288. etrieved from


