Blue House: a (hard) space of memory of the Araguaia Guerrilla of the Brazilian business-military dictatorship
Blue House, Araguaia Guerrilla, Memory spaceAbstract
The Blue House is considered a memory space in dispute when trying to affirm it as a space of commemorative vigilance about the violations that occurred during the period of Brazilian business-military dictatorship in the context of the Araguaia Guerrilla. Violations still manifest themselves in their various spheres, in the collective memory, in the need for justice and reparation for victims and families. Thus, the Blue House places in the sense of establishing transitional justice once it functioned there as the main torture center of the region, felt this shared with the desires of civil society, of the National Truth Commission and also in the terms os condemnation of Brazil before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Therefore, at first the historical context of the Guerrilla is realized, later, the process of production of memories are described about the context, and finally, the hard process of transformation the Blue House as a commemorative surveillance space is described.
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