Plea bargaining in white collar: analysis of the judiciary’s discourse in the Mensalão’s case



Discourse analysis, plea bargaining, mensalão, white collar criminality


In the present article, we shall analyze the Supreme Court Justices’ votes in the criminal case popularly known as “Mensalão”, aimed at studying how the plea bargaining institute is described in the judicial discourse, as a human rights guarantee, and what the found dispersions reveal about this discoursive formation. In the first section, we describe multiple approaches on the white collar criminality, in order to link this particular sort of criminality with the plea bargaining institute. In the second section, our theoretical assumptions and backgrounds are clarified, departing from Foucault’s “Archaeology of Knowledge” and discourse studies methodology, understanding that the units of analysis must be derived from the description of dispersions, in which the text is conceived as a materialization of the discourse. The second part is dedicated to the discoursive analysis itself. In the third section, the plea bargaining is approached as a benefit to the defendants who cooperate, demonstrating that the special treatment is not uniformly described, but depends on the context. In the forth section, the benefits of the institute to the State are emphasized, clarifying how relevant the plea bargaining is considered by the judicial discourse. In the fifth section, we approach the probation value provided by the plea bargaining, explaining that the defendants testimonies are considered unreliable evidence. In the conclusion, we balance the dispersion found in the judicial discourse towards the plea bargaining institute, in order to demonstrate some of the guidelines of the analyzed discoursive formation.

Author Biographies

Raíssa França, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Paraná, Brasil

Bacharela em Direito pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (2018).

Licenciada em Letras - Português pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (2012).

Alexandre Ribas de Paulo, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Paraná, Brasil

Graduado em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2000); Mestre (2006) e Doutor (2011) em Direito pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (PPGD/UFSC), na área de Direito, Estado e Sociedade. Pós-Doutor (2018) em Direito, Política e Sociedade pelo PPGD/UFSC. Professor desde 2010 na Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), lecionando a matéria de Direito Processual Penal. Pesquisador do Ius Commune (Grupo de Pesquisa Interinstitucional em História da Cultura Jurídica - CNPq/UFSC), com ênfase em experiências jurídico-penais medievais – e, também, do Grupo de Pesquisa intitulado "Problemas fundamentais do Direito Penal contemporâneo" (UEM). Coordenador do Grupo de Investigação sobre Punição (GIP) na UEM.


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How to Cite

França, R., & Paulo, A. R. de. (2021). Plea bargaining in white collar: analysis of the judiciary’s discourse in the Mensalão’s case . aptura Críptica: w, olitics, urrent ffairs, 9(1), 108–139. etrieved from


