Publication of the Dossier "Racisms: Bodies, policies, cities, powers and dominations in hatred times" (vol. 12, num. 1, 2023)


The Captura Críptica Journal is pleased to publish the first issue of 2023 (vol. 12, num. 1), which has the Dossier "Racisms: Bodies, policies, cities, powers and dominations in hatred times", organized by Hélen Rejane Silva Maciel Diogo (PPGD/UFSC), Daniel Machado da Conceição (PPGE/UFSC), and Jefferson Virgílio (ICS-Ulisboa).

This edition presents submissions to the dossier, translation, entries, reviews and interview, as well as political-artistic manifestations, all linked to the discussions on racism and the racial issue.

The cover titled "Powers" is authored by Afrokalíptico, who presents us with other illustrations in our section Captura Críptica.

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