[CALL FOR PAPERS] Dossier “Socio-criminal control, its militarization and repression of social, popular and rural movements” - v. 12, n. 2, 2023


For the second edition of 2023 (v. 12, n. 2), Captura Críptica Journal is pleased to invite everyone to send papers for the dossier Socio-criminal control, its militarization and repression of social, popular and rural movements, under the organization of Bruna Martins Costa, Felipe de Araújo Chersoni, Leonardo Evaristo Teixeira and Marília de Nardin Budó.

The Dossier has the perspective of gathering several contributions of the so-called critical criminologies for the understanding of the processes of criminalization, the institutions of socio-criminal control and repression, formal and informal, of state violence, the constitutive legal institutes of this apparatus, in its different contexts, in the countryside, forests and cities, in authoritarian or democratic periods, as well as the forms of resistance and the overcoming of these processes in the order in which they are inserted.

Both in Brazil and in other countries of Latin America, the inheritances of socio-historical formation still reverberate today, impacting especially in the approaches to criminalization and in the use of the state apparatus for the maintenance of the order of the powerful and in the perspective of what Mészáros called as sociometabolic order of capital.

The transformations coming from neoliberalism show the maximization of the power to punish, and the control and discipline of the bodies, which are racialized and gederrized; which are marked according to their class. To a greater or lesser extent, countries such as Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico, to name some examples, inserted in the Latin American specificity of dependent capitalism, seek to account for the sizing of crime control issues under the command of law and order, the war on drugs, and the militarization of life.

Experiences have also shown that there are no processes of criminalization and violence without resistance, which is why fighters and human rights fighters have sought transformations in their various contexts, in anti-prision, abolitionists, anti-asylum workers actions, etc., achieving small but important successes in containing this authoritarian state.

In this sense, the dossier "Socio-criminal control, its militarization and repression of social, popular and rural movements" presents 11 axes of discussions, which are linked from the socio-penal control and the use of the repressive apparatus of the State in popular and/or field.

They are:

  • Critical criminology: green criminology, liberation criminology, queer criminology, feminist criminology, marxist criminology, etc.;
  • Socio-criminal control in Latin America and the Caribbean;
  • Socio-criminal and repressive control on racial and/or gender issues;
  • Prison system and judicial asylums;
  • Public security and/or its militarisation;
  • Repression and authoritarianism of Latin American military dictatorships;
  • Political economy of punishment, police lethality and massacres;
  • Urban and agrarian militias;
  • Forced disappearance and state violence;
  • White-collar crime and criminality of the powerful; and
  • Abolitionist struggles, anti-asylum and restorative justice.

The call is open and receptive to submissions from all over Latin America and the Caribbean that propose to discuss the themes of these axes. In view of the scope of the magazine, we reiterate the space for sending materials linked to social, popular, city, forest and rural movements.


Submission deadline: 20 June 2023.

Organization: Bruna Martins Costa, Fellipe Chersoni, Leonardo Evaristo Teixeira and Marília de Nardin Budó.




The conditions for the submission are that the papers follow the Guidelines for authors, being original and unpublished, in Portuguese, Spanish or English, besides we suggest that the articles have at least 15 pages and no more than 30, besides not exceeding 3 co-authors.

The article must also contain title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese, Spanish and English, be written in Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1.5, citations in author-date format and references according to Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). In short, it must be followed our Journal Style Template, in addition to being sent in editable format (Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF), without any form of authorship identification, in which the Authorship Information must be sent separately.

Exceptionally, foreign authors and authors may send references according to the 7th edition of the APA, and must include the city, state or country of theses, books and chapters of books used, that later the Editorial Board performs the necessary adaptation to the Brazilian format ABNT.