[EXTENSION OF THE DEADLINE] Dossier “Racisms: Bodies, policies, cities, powers and dominations in hatred times”


The Captura Críptica Journal informs that it is extending, until March 20, 2023, the call for publication in the Dossier "Racisms: Bodies, policies, cities, powers and dominations in hatred times" (v. 12, n. 1, 2023),

The works should include the thematic axes expressed in the Call for Dossier: https://ojs.sites.ufsc.br/index.php/capturcriptica/announcement/view/59

Send us your contribution!

Organizers: Hélen Rejane Silva Maciel Diogo (PPGD/UFSC); Daniel Machado da Conceição (PPGE/UFSC); and Jefferson Virgílio (ICS-ULisboa).