Inclusion in the school context:

practices and knowledge of the Laboratory of Assistive Technology and Ergonomics



Society has been moving towards inclusion, and to promote quality education, inclusive and equitable, it is necessary to seek ways to face barriers and minimize difficulties. One of the possible ways to guarantee and qualify this process is to propose ergonomic solutions from AT resources and services. Thus, this article aims to present an initiative of design and implementation of LABTAE - Laboratory of Assistive Technology and Ergonomics of the College of Application of the Federal University of Santa Catarina CA /UFSC, aimed at the elaboration of interdisciplinary training projects and development of ergonomic resources /products and assistive technology services for students with disabilities,  communication limitations and/or reduced mobility. The objective is to describe initiatives of actions in the area of TA and Ergonomics proposed in the implementation of LABTAE. To do so, the methodology involves the development of theoretical studies, practices and directed studies,, field research and case studies with the target audience of the project, in addition to group work of the multidisciplinary team, involving the different areas of knowledge related to the central theme. This activity planning was carried out based on case studies of the specific demands of approximately sixty students enrolled in The CA/UFSC, as well as on the other demands brought by the community. It is believed that the implementation of actions in the area of AT and Ergonomics can support the different segments of the university, multidisciplinary team and the community in general.  LABTAE proposes to be a space of extreme social relevance for the construction of new points of view in relation to the needs and potentialities of these students, aiming at effective inclusion in the school context.

Author Biographies

Lizandra Garcia Lupi Vergara, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

PhD in Ergonomics - Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina - Department of Production and Systems Engineering and graduate studies - PPGEP and PosARQ.

Josiane Eugênio, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - IFSC, Campus Araranguá

Master, Professor of Special Ed. at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina - IFSCPhD student in Education - PPGE/UNESC - University of the Extreme South of Santa Catarina

Luana Zimmer Sarzi, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Colégio de Aplicação

Master, Professor of Special Education, College of Application of the Federal University of Santa Catarina.

Fernanda Albertina Garcia, Universidadde Federal de Santa Catarina - Colégio de Aplicação

Master, Professor of Special Education, College of Application of the Federal University of Santa Catarina.

