DOI: clave:
Circular Economy, Sustainable Design, Reverse Logistics, Design for Reverse Logistics, Design GuidelinesResumen
Environmental challenges related to solid waste generation and disordered consumption are becoming increasingly prominent. The Circular Economy (CE) has emerged as a strategy for generating value through effective waste management, and RL plays an important role in the transition to CE. Sustainable Design (SD) and Design for Reverse Logistics (DfRL) have emerged as approaches to integrating RL into product design. This research aimed to explore the context of design guidelines for RL under the concept of DfRL. To this end, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach was used. The research covered aspects of design guidelines, such as related DfX, product design context, relationship with LR, sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In addition, the research identified research gaps, such as the definition of the term and hierarchy around design guidelines and the need for integration between research and technique to share design information. Potential areas were identified for DfRL and for integrating LR into the product process, promoting the transition to a more sustainable and circular production model, in line with the SDGs and the needs of future generations.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Maria Gabriella Vilhena Monteiro, Vitor William Batista Martins, Liliane Iten Chaves, Antonio Erlindo Braga Junior, André Cristiano Silva Melo

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