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Sustainable Development, Climate Change Adaptation, Family Farming, Sustainable Development Goals, Cooperatives.Resumen
Considering the dynamics inserted in the socioeconomic context and its results, which rapidly challenge socio-environmental debates, promoting reflections that make sustainable development anable, proposals that indicate climate adaptations echo as themes of great relevance. Thus, thinking about parameters to weave reflections on climate adaptation emerges as a pillar for sustainable development, inserting it in certain contexts, in this work, specifically in the strategic planning of cooperatives. In this sense, this study aims to analyze the obstacles to the implementation of the strategic planning of a family farming cooperative in the municipality of São Ludgero. As a methodological strategy, the qualitative research approach was chosen, with descriptive characteristics, based on a case study. Among the main results, from the literature review, the theme proved to be very relevant to contribute to climate adaptation. Based on the research evidence it is possible to concluded that although the presented obstacles compromise the future activities of this cooperative, they are likely to be overcome, and these should be components of the Strategic Planning itself.
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Derechos de autor 2022 Ivone Junges, Felipe Teixeira Dias, Bruna França, José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de A Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra
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