Management, Wastage, Timber sector, Sawing, FeedstockAbstract
The study aimed to describe the relationship between the age of equipment and the generation of residues in small wood processing industries in Irati-PR. Data were collected through a questionnaire, where 3 (three) sawmill industries were selected in order to collect data for their characterization. The companies approached were characterized as micro (2) and small companies (1), operating in the splitting and processing of wood. The species used as feedstock were from the Pinus sp., Eucalyptus sp. Genus and a small number of other species. Companies generate, on average, 175 m³ of residues, with an average use of 43%. Residues generation was related to the age of the equipment, where the company with the oldest equipment had the highest amount. Companies do not manage waste, which is sold to third parties. Given this scenario, it was concluded that companies generate large amounts of residues, which, in this case, are linked to the lack of maintenance and use of obsolete equipment. The lack of correct disposal is attributed to the lack of incentive and information about the potential uses of waste and the possibility of generating extra income by companies.
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