Arborização Viária, Vulnerabilidade às Mudanças Climáticas, Adaptação ao ClimaAbstract
Climatological analyzes related to the adaptive capacity of territories show that cities in developing countries are not prepared to deal with climate crisis. The deficit of a robust green infrastructure integrated with other urban systems is a reality and directly impacts the quality of life. Studies carried out in Belo Horizonte, MG, showed the regions which are the most vulnerable to climate change, either because of their higher exposure to impacts, or because of their low resilience. This work proposes the application of tools and methodology based on local technical standards to map, in the Confisco territory, all the points eligible for planting a tree. Through the application of normative guidelines in the software QuantumGIS, the results demonstrated the potential for vegetation densification. This possibility abets the adaptive capacity of the territory that could be expanded with this densification, contributing to the reduction of its vulnerability.
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