


Preferências visuais, paisagem urbana, rios urbanos


Under the practice of urban environmental planning, design and management, thewater bodies and their riverbanks is a challenge that cities have faced in the last decades due to new ecological paradigms towards a sustainable society. Research regarding landscape preference on urban riverbanks are important to understand the perception of user on of the interface between the natural and built environment, thus contributing to new practices on urban environmental planning, design and management. Therefore, this study aims to identify and systematize the attributes of landscape preference on urban riverbanks. The research method involved a Systematic Literature Review (RSL), in which the search was performed in four databases (Scopus, Science Direct, Springer and Scielo), resulting in a compilation of 339 journal articles, of which only 13 were selected for content analysis. The results showed that the most preferred attributes related to urban riverbanks are: recreation and leisure activities, riparian vegetation, naturalised riverbanks, but, in some contexts, there is the preference for artificialized riverbanks, physical and visual accessibility to water, water quality, between others. Such attributes could be considered guidelines for urban rivers restoration projects to recover the ecological quality related to the rivers and promote the quality of life in the cities.

Author Biographies

Fernanda C. Guasselli



Doutora em Arquitetura e Urbanismo

Docente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo - PosArq UFSC

Docente do Departamento de Design e Expressão Gráfica da UFSC

Integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa e  Desenho Urbano e Paisagem CNPq UFSC



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2022-09-02 — Updated on 2022-09-07


How to Cite

Guasselli, F. C., & Casarin, V. (2022). PREFERÊNCIAS PAISAGÍSTICAS NO ENTORNO DE RIOS URBANOS: UMA REVISÃO. ix Sustentável, 8(4), 141–147. (Original work published September 2, 2022)