


Wood, Masonry, Material Flow, waste, Construction


There is an underutilization and reduced life cycle of the wood used in the Brazilian conventional construction system, made of masonry, and cast in place reinforced concrete. As it is not the main material that characterizes the construction technique, the literature discusses its consumption profile, which presents a lack of data. Thus, this research aims to analyze the consumption of wood associated with the execution of residential one-story works in cast in place reinforced concrete with sealing in masonry, also evaluating the generation and destination of the residue. For this, we used hybrid research (qualitative and quantitative) with theoretical and practical approaches. The theoretical analysis consisted of the characterization of the Brazilian housing stock, a survey of plants with representative typology, and quantification of the wood used in concrete formwork. The practical analysis considered case studies in Foz do Iguaçu-PR and collected information through interviews with technicians in charge and consultation of construction documents. The results indicate that 100 m² of residential construction with a structural system of reinforced concrete consumes from 4.2 to 7.6 m³ of wood (0.042 and 0.076 m³/m²), with 100% of this wood converted into waste disposed of in landfills, featuring temporary use of the material.

Author Biographies

Katia Regina Garcia Punhagui, UNILA - Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-americana

Departamento: engenharia civil de infraestrutura. Área: construção civil. 

Professora Programa de pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil (PPGECI) - UNILA

Cássio Gomes de Oliveira, UNILA - Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-americana

Aluno de mestrado no Programa de pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil (PPGECI) - UNILA

Erik Souto de Moraes, UNILA - Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-americana

Graduando em Engenharia Civil de Infraestrutura - UNILA

Luana Caroline Orlandini, UNILA - Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-americana

Mestre do Programa de pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil (PPGECI) - UNILA

Edna Possan, UNILA - Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-americana

Departamento: engenharia civil de infraestrutura. Área: construção civil. 

Professora Programa de pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil (PPGECI) - UNILA


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How to Cite

Punhagui, K. R. G., Oliveira, C. G. de, Moraes, E. S. de, Orlandini, L. C., & Possan, E. (2022). CHARACTERIZATION OF WOOD CONSUMPTION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A STRUCTURAL SYSTEM IN REINFORCED CONCRETE . ix Sustentável, 8(4), 119–131.