sustainability, product end-of-life, success critical factorsAbstract
Challenges related to environmental degradation have generated discussions about the proper disposal of products after use. In this sense a large number of processes have been applied in the industrial sector, to create solutions for the proper disposal of products and materials at the end of their life cycle. However, besides the application of these processes it is necessary to develop management methods that seek to improve these processes. The research aims to identify Critical Success Factors (CSF) involved in the end of life cycle processes, in the durable goods sector. These processes were identified from a bibliometric survey. A plan was elaborated to identify theoretical researches in the field of product end of life. After identifying the FCS a validation was applied, by a consult of experts in the field of product development. This research provided a reflection on the processes involved at the product end of life cycle, and can be characterized as a starting point for the development of management tools to improve these processes
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