

Residência. Pedagógica. Escola.


This paper presents reflections from two students of the Graduation in History at the Federal University of Vale do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri (UFVJM), stemming from experiences within the context of Pedagogical Residency conducted at Maria Augusta Caldeira Brant State School, in the city of Diamantina-MG, under the guidance of professors Vitória Azevedo da Fonseca (UFVJM) and Sinara Mourão (SEE-MG). Pedagogical Residency, a teacher training program, aims at immersing teacher candidates in the everyday school environment so they can experience the school setting in an integrated manner. In this process, residents have the opportunity to immerse themselves in various educational contexts, developing knowledge, skills, and competencies essential to their future teaching roles. During the residency period, the resident works under the supervision of a mentor teacher who assists in lesson planning, critical analysis of pedagogical practices, and evaluation of outcomes. Among the activities performed, highlights include classroom observation, active participation in the educational process, planning, and active engagement in pedagogical activities, as well as the conception and execution of educational projects. In this case, based on observation and classroom experiences, a significant challenge was identified in the sixth grade related to students' literacy deficits. This issue raised concerns about intervention possibilities within the Pedagogical Residency framework and how to contribute to these students' formation in line with the future role of residents as teachers. Thus, through exchanges of ideas and suggestions, particularly from a Pedagogy professor, the idea of implementing the "Traveling Suitcase" was chosen. The actions developed were implemented in sixth-grade classes of elementary school, focusing on the history discipline, and engaging in improving students' performance. To encourage reading, titles of books suitable for those students, with themes within the scope of History discipline, were selected, and a small booklet was created in which students were to record their reading impressions. Thus, residents encouraged more and more students to choose books, take them home in the project suitcase, and record their impressions in the booklet.

Author Biographies

Vitória Azevedo Fonseca, UFVJM

Doutora em História pela Universidade Federal Fluminense. Atualmente é professora  da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e do Mucuri das disciplinas de ensino e estágio.

Andressa Mendes Carvalho, UFVJM

Graduanda em História pela Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e do Mucuri.

Brendon Kawai Silva Coelho, UFVJM

Graduando em História pela Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e do Mucuri.


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