The epistemology of gamification and its challenges for education



Teaching-Learning, Epistemology, Education, Gamification, Pedagogical Approaches


Gamification in education is a growing trend that utilizes elements and mechanics of games to engage students and make the learning process more dynamic and interactive. However, its use also presents epistemological challenges related to the validation and construction of knowledge. Epistemological questions play a crucial role in establishing criteria to underpin gamification strategies in education, justifying the path taken to promote student learning. This article aims to analyze the epistemology of gamification and its challenges for education, addressing the history of gamification, its relationship with epistemology, and the main challenges faced. Examples of gamification applications in different educational areas and solutions to overcome epistemological challenges will also be provided. It is concluded that gamification can be a promising approach for education, provided it is used consciously and critically, taking into account the epistemological implications involved.

Author Biographies

Heron Salazar, Universidade federal do amazonas

Ph.D. in Biotechnology from the Federal University of Amazonas. Currently, works as a Professor at the Institute of Education, Agriculture, and Environment (IEAA) - UFAM in Humaitá - AM. 

Sávio Oliveira, Ufam

Specialist in Natural Sciences and the World of Work from the Federal University of Piauí. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in the Graduate Program in Science and Humanities Education (2022) at UFAM, it holds a scholarship from the Foundation for the Support of Research in the State of Amazonas (FAPEAM).


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