BIOMIMETICS ECO MATERIALS, AN EFFICIENT WAY TO SUSTAINABILITY<p>Ecomateriais Biomiméticos, um Caminho Eficiente para a Sustentabilidade


  • Theska Soares UFPE



Biomimicry, Eco materials, Design, Sustainability.


This paper aims to demonstrate how Biomimicry collaborates in the creation of new eco-efficient and innovative
materials through the analysis of some examples, such as the hydrophobic and self-cleaning materials based on the
Lotus plant, giving rise to paints and coatings that do not They do not wet or get dirty; Hydrodynamic materials based
on the skin of the shark that gave rise to tissues that diminish the friction and increase the performance of swimming
athletes; Adhesive materials based on the gecko gowns, which allow super adhering surfaces of carpet fastening without
the need for glues; Water abstraction materials based Namibian beetle, that enable products such as Warka Water
to store water from atmospheric air in regions of scarcity; And finally, self-cleaning and de-polluting materials based
on the photosynthesis of the leaves, which allow the coating of constructive modules on facades capable of helping to
decontaminate high-flow pathways of cars. This approach highlights the use of nature as a source of inspiration for the
creation of these new materials and demonstrates the great potential for their application in Design and Architecture
projects, evidenced in these examples that are in great harmony with the sustainability scenario.


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How to Cite

Soares, T., & Arruda, A. J. (2017). BIOMIMETICS ECO MATERIALS, AN EFFICIENT WAY TO SUSTAINABILITY&lt;p&gt;Ecomateriais Biomiméticos, um Caminho Eficiente para a Sustentabilidade. ix Sustentável, 3(4), 29–45.