


Ferramenta design para sustentabilidade, design centrado em humanos, design para amenização.


Este artigo propõe uma nova ferramenta abrangente de Design para Sustentabilidade (DfS), chamada Design for Amelioration, com a qual os designers podem avaliar o nível de sustentabilidade de todos os pilares da sustentabilidade: pessoas, planeta e lucro, em todas as etapas do processo de design. As ferramentas DFS são utilizadas adjacentes ao processo de Design Centrado no Homem (HCD) para determinar o nível de sustentabilidade da solução proposta; seja um produto, serviço ou uma combinação de ambos.O processo de HCD é escolhido principalmente devido ao seu foco no pilar de sustentabilidade das pessoas, muitas vezes negligenciado nas ferramentas do DfS. Trinta tipos diferentes de ferramentas dfs são catalogadas e comparadas e os achados mostram que a maioria delas são subdesenvolvidas enquanto outras ainda estão em fase teórica.Os de baixo desempenho em um ou dois pilares de sustentabilidade, portanto, só podem ser categorizados como ferramentas parciais de DfS. Essas ferramentas são então encaixadas no conhecido quadro de inspiração, ideação e implementação do HCD. Embora muitas ferramentas sejam adequadas para serem usadas em uma etapa particular de um processo de design, a análise mostra que apenas um pequeno número deles é abrangente o suficiente para ser usado em toda a totalidade do processo de design.

Biografia do Autor

Pierre Yohanes Lubis, School of Product Design University of Canterbury

Pierre is at the brink of concluding his doctoral research in Product Design at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. His doctoral research is an investigation into how human-centered design can bring forth a sustainable product-service system that improves the health of people from the lower end of the socio-economic level. He finished his Masters in Integrated Design in Hochschule Anhalt in Dessau, Germany and Bachelor’s in Product Design in Bandung Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia. He is interested in sustainable design, product service system design and human-centered design.

Bahareh Shahri, School of Product Design University of Canterbury

Dr Bahareh Shahri is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Product Design at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Her areas of research interest are social and cultural aspects of product design, human-centred design, aesthetics of interactions, playful interaction in product design, design methodologies and design history, particularly in relation to user experience, critical design, and design for communities.

Mariano Ramirez, Industrial Design University of New South Wales

Dr Mariano Ramirez Jr is a Senior Lecturer in the UNSW Industrial Design program at the University of New South Wales, Australia. An active researcher and educator in various aspects of Industrial Design for Sustainability, Dr Ramírez has authored over 60 publications in his area of expertise. His research has been presented in over 30 conferences globally. He held Visiting Academic roles in 21 universities in Asia and South America and is a Higher Degree Examiner in four Australian universities. He has regularly contributed to various international academic journals and conferences on sustainable innovations as an author and as a scientific committee reviewer. He is also an Associate Investigator at the UNSW Ageing Futures Institute.

Dr Ramirez is Convenor of LeNS Oceania, the Australia-New-Zealand regional node of the international Learning Network on Sustainability (LeNS). He is the International Project Leader of the DFAT-funded 'South-to-South: Activating Australia Latin American Cooperation through Design-for-Sustainability Education', in consortium with LeNS Brazil, LeNS Argentina, LeNS Colombia, and LeNS Peru.


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