Lean six sigma approach for COVID-19 demand growth. A Case Study in a Rio de Janeiro hospital respirator company.
Lean Six Sigma, Operations Management and Improvement, COVID-19Abstract
The current economic scenario shows a major recession caused by the crisis in public health due to the proliferation of the new coronavirus. However, companies operating in the hospital segment have high demands and their products are widely used. However, old mistakes in operations management inhibited several production lines and achieving their manufacturing goals due to waste generated in the production processes. This article aims to increase the production capacity by 70% of the production line of surgical tubes in a hospital instrument industry located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. To achieve this objective, a lean six sigma project will be developed, conducted by the DMAIC methodology. From the 36-days analysis of the process, it was possible to reach the main low production problems and precisely find a way to increase production capacity by 55%, making it possible to attend to the new increasing demand from COVID-19 engaged hospitals. Also, due to directed actions, operators could increase their productivity ratio from 89 to145 products per hour by the end of May 2020.
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