Women in Literature

A reading of female characters and their search for a place in society



Women's literature, Perfectionism, Comparative Literature


This article aims to discuss and analyse three works by three great authors of literature, Virginia Woolf, with A Room of One’s Own (1929; 2014) Charlotte Brontë, with Jane Eyre (1847; 2021) and Emily Brontë, with Wuthering Heights (1847; 2018). We will analyse three important female characters in the works: Mary Beton, Jane Eyre and Catherine Earnshaw. Elements will be explored such as the role of the protagonists in breaking female stereotypes, their search for freedom and self-determination, the challenges they faced and how their stories contribute to a broader understanding of the female condition in literature and society at the time. As a result of PIBIC-EM research carried out between 2022 and 2023, this analysis allows us to understand how literature was a space of resistance and empowerment for women, even in the face of perfectionism and social restrictions imposed in previous centuries.

Author Biographies

Sara Gonçalves Rabelo, IF Goiano

Doutora em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Atualmente é professora de Língua Inglesa e Língua Portuguesa no Instituto Federal Goiano – Campus Campos Belos.

Laís Moreira do Nascimento, IF Goiano

Técnica em Informática pelo Instituto Federal Goiano – Campus Campos Belos. Atualmente cursa Direito na Universidade Estadual do Tocantins (UNITINS).


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