The practical of rowing in Florianopolis: Pictures of a society in search of modernity


  • Gabrielli Zanca


Esporte, Sociedade, Modernidade


A society that wanted to modernity: it is in this context that the practice of rowing came in Florianopolis, adopting the form of icon propagator of a new lifestyle, where the cult of beauty and transformations policies and socials appeared as a guideline for modernizing reflecting the society of a new Brazil. The elitist character and demand for a consolidation bourgeois into a state with provincial characteristics also caused a strong segregation between low and high layers of the population in the practice of a sport that after the Second World War has become hegemonic among the population, with the participation of people less financially wealthy, into the clubs and races. This the concepts of civility, modernity and progress are evidenced in the practice of rowing as a symbol of a new behavioral conduct, that the emerging urban elite sought incessantly at the beginning of the twentieth century.




