Redução do índice de desplacamento de flocos em calçados plásticos por meio da metodologia Seis Sigma


  • Eder da Silva Xavier FBUni - Centro Universitário Farias Brito
  • Mauricio Johnny Loos FBUni - Centro Universitário Farias Brito


, Processo de flocagem, Seis sigma, PPM, Cpk, Resistência à abrasão


The flocking process is of great importance for the company in question, as it has added significant value to footwear, especially in winter collections. However, this process has one of the highest PPM (pairs per million) in the factory, with the flaking layer of the footwear being the biggest failure mode. In view of this scenario, we intend to work with the following problem: how to reduce the flaking index in plastic shoes using the six sigma methodology? In addition to the general objective, it is also intended to identify which are the main factors related to flaking flaking, in order to obtain a greater adherence of this to the substrate. This article showed, through the information obtained and the analyzes carried out, a considerable reduction in the level of flaking flaking, also defining the level of each factor to be worked on and which of these factors are more relevant to the performance of the adhesion. As a proposal for a process, there is a suggestion to increase the adhesive layer applied to the footwear surface, this variable being the one that most influenced the results.

Biografia do Autor

Eder da Silva Xavier, FBUni - Centro Universitário Farias Brito

Especialista em Engenharia de Produção

Mauricio Johnny Loos, FBUni - Centro Universitário Farias Brito

Pós Doutorado em Gestão Industrial


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