Lean Six/Sigma: A facilities management case study


  • Pedro Henrique Costa CEFET - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca
  • Yasmim Lima CEFET - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca
  • Pedro Senna CEFET - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca
  • Augusto Cunha Reis CEFET - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca
  • Ana Claudia Dias UFF- UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL FLUMINENSE http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5380-901X


Facilities services, Automation, Lean/Six sigma


The quality improvement of the provision of facilities services with a focus on automation has become a reality for companies that wish to reduce costs. This improvement should aim at the employees and customers. Therefore, this study proposes the application of Lean\Six Sigma in a facilities sector of an insurance company, with a focus on automation. First of all, the service portfolio is contextualized, contributing to the characterization of the services and the definition of prioritization of improvement projects. Then, based on the service with the worst performance, the DMAIC method was used, where a diagnosis was developed to define the problem, followed by the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the identified mishap, and the proposal of an improvement project, proposing a 5S program. The results of this work are the proposed solutions for the company. In addition, the study showed that the use of Lean\Six Sigma brings benefits in different contexts, proving to be a powerful methodology for the companies.



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