Lean and agile internationalization model: a proposal for Brazilian small and medium companies to internationalize


  • Gabriel Dantas Araujo Fundação Carlos Alberto Vanzolini
  • Hugo Martinelli Watanuki Fundação Carlos Alberto Vanzolini


Internationalization, Lean and Agile Model, Small and Medium Companies


In order to find new sources of revenue and increase the strength of the brand, companies try to enter the international market through the exportation of their products and services. However, the literature suggests that there are many challenges for organizations, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to be able to sell their products and services on external markets, and to be competitive and to remain sustainable in such markets. One of the alternatives to deal with this scenario of extreme complexity and uncertainty is to consider SMEs, at the moment they decide to internationalize, as a lean startup. The objective of this study is to evaluate how a methodology anchored in lean and agile concepts can contribute positively to the internationalization of Brazilian SMEs. For this purpose, a case study of two Brazilian companies was conducted, one in the sports nutrition sector and another in the cosmetics sector. The results suggest that a lean and agile internationalization methodology structured in five main steps can contribute to a more effective and sustainable internationalization process.


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