Application of Lean Six Sigma integration for productivity improvement in an assembly line


  • Larissa Barbosa Taquetti Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Simone Geitenes Colombo Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Rosane Malacarne Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Marcelo Gechele Cleto Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Robson Seleme Universidade Federal do Paraná


Lean Thinking, Six Sigma, LSS, Integration, Productivity


Combining Lean Six Sigma (LSS) leads to increased production efficiency through improved product quality, reduced costs and increased customer satisfaction. Thus, this study aims to present the LSS integration through the application of the principles and approaches of both tools in order to achieve higher productivity in assembly line of electronic products. The conduct of the work followed the methodology for management DMAIC improvement projects. The results of LSS application have revealed that the integration is beneficial for achieving improved. The daily productivity per operator indicator used, achieved a 35% increase, however, there are still improvements identified thereon. In addition, there were other results related to the reduction of inventory and scrap, financial gains, organization and lead time. It has been found that the combination of the methods used in Six Sigma approach has great relevance in the lean philosophy. While lean principles contribute to the elimination of operations that do not add value, Six Sigma tools work with more stable processes for lean manufacturing.


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