Application of lean tools in health care: a literature review
Lean service, lean healthcare, health services.Resumo
The lean philosophy has been used in various sectors, while the services sector is one that has more bet on this philosophy, including health services. This work aims to contribute to the description of the current state of implementation of lean tools in health services. After a systematic search in bibliographic databases, in order to find jobs related to application of lean tools, we proceeded to an analysis of 69 articles. Data such as the date of the study, countries that implement this philosophy, the main practices and lean tools used were taken from existing works and analyzed. From these analyzes, we reached the conclusion that Brazil and the United States has the largest number of cases of application of the lean philosophy and tools and that among the various lean tools, some are used more frequently, could be mentioned the value stream map, standardized work and 5S. also conducted a survey of the main benefits obtained through these practices, the most common being: improvement in operating results, better service and customer satisfaction, significant increase in quality of service, reduced waiting time, costs, waste and drives.
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