A bibliometric analysis of quality in health care services


  • Camila Arlotta Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Edwin Benito Mitacc Meza Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Rodolfo Cardoso Universidade Federal Fluminense

Palabras clave:

Bibliometria, Qualidade de atendimento, Serviços de saúde, Bibliometry, Quality of care, Health services


The health system is a social structure based on a set of people and actions designed to maintain and improve the health of the population. The wide access of patients and the diversity of segments that offer healthcare services, give us the opportunity to know, understand and analyze the main tools related to the quality of healthcare services, understanding their theories, techniques, characteristics and their relationships. This work aims to perform a literature review on the important aspects related to the quality of service in health, such as the types of health institutions, such as different ways of evaluating the quality of service, patient satisfaction and the impact of both on the practical service offered. From this study, it was possible to explore the quality issues in the health service: the improvement of the process, diagnosis and quality indicators, perception and assessment of the patient and the identification of the factors that influence quality. The application of some methodologies and the use of support tools were identified, systematizing the execution of data analysis and process mapping.


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