Waste identification in the process of carrying out work orders through lean office
Palabras clave:
Desperdícios, Lean office, Ordem de serviçoResumen
The application of lean methodology is present in several types of activities. This methodology has as its main focus the reduction or elimination of waste in the processes and information flow. When its application in the administrative sector stands out, which is characterized by the lean office, it presents itself as a relevant methodology since this sector is present in any area of the business and lean techniques act as a way to guarantee the fulfillment of the needs of the customer on time, with quality and low cost. In this scenario, this article aims to identify and classify waste and suggest improvements in administrative processes based on the lean office methodology. It is an exploratory research that applies a case study in an industrial company located in the city of Fortaleza / CE. The main wastes are related to the types of wastes pointed out by leane theory, with this, they are initiative proposals to improve these processes. It is noteworthy that this work serves as a source of inquiry for the investigation, in administrative means, of tools for improvements of processes and waste reduction.
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