Loss analysis in the process of profiling a medium-sized metallurgical company
Palabras clave:
Wastes, Continuous improvement, MetallurgyResumen
In order to become competitive and stand out from the competition, companies seek for a differential in their market action, eliminating or reducing their losses in the productive process. The Lean Manufacturing system and its tools help the company in the quality of its production, allowing to analyze, identify and classify the types of waste and, consequently, to propose continuous improvements eliminating activities that do not add value. The present study is an analysis of losses in the sheet metal profiling process for the manufacture of trapezoidal tile in the ‘Dimensão Aço Longos e Planos’ industry, a medium-sized metallurgical company that mainly serves the civil construction sector whose objective is to identify the Loss of production to generate proposals for improvements to reduce and eliminate waste. The method used to elaborate this work was on the survey of processing data to identify and classify the wastes in the production of tiles. It was observed that the company presented the seven process losses, the most significant being the setup generated by the profiling machine, causing waits and excessive inventory.
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