Proposal of process organization based on lean office principles applied in a small-sized company of management of small properties


  • Maria Letícia de Azeredo Roscoe Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Camila Silva de Mattos Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Paulo Augusto Cauchick Miguel Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Palabras clave:

, Lean office, padronização de processos, pequenas empresas, padronização do trabalho, gestão de serviços


The service sector offers a number of opportunities for improvement and reduction of time that does not add value, which can be reached by applying the lean office. However, the application of lean office is still a gap in the literature, particularly in small and medium enterprises in developing countries. Thus, the aim of this article is to present, by means of a study developed in a small property management company in Brazil, opportunities for improvements achievable with the implementation of lean office. A diagnostic was conducted in the company, based on physical and digital files provided by the company and interviews with employees, identifying activities that were not in compliance with minimum quality standards and/or time required for a satisfactory information flow operations and information. Thereon, improvements were proposed in the administrative, personnel, operational and financial areas of the company. These improvements allowed standardization of work and processes, visual management and management routines, minimizing waiting waste, inappropriate processing, stock of material and errors, besides improving the technologies used by the company. Finally, the limitations and recommendations for future studies are suggested.


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