Lean Construction – 2007 to 2016


  • Clóvis Neumann Universidade de Brasília
  • André Luiz Aquere Universidade de Brasilia

Palabras clave:

Lean Construction, Keyword Analysis, IGLC, IGLC Conferences, Research Trends.


Aiming at identify main keywords of Recent Works published the annals of the International Group for Lean Construction Conference ( IGLC ) so Get a retrospective of the main ITS applications, actions and tools used lean .It was analyzed all articles published in the period of 2007-2015 in IGLC and conducted a survey of keywords which were listed and quantified by  a PivotTable in Excel software, for those who had a higher frequency, obtaining graphs for trend analysis of the study period. From 851 items IGLC and 3739 keywords, ten key words were identified more frequently: Lean Construction, Last Planer System, Waste, Collaboration, Value, Lean, Construction, Flow, Production System Design and Production Control. Two graphs were made, one about the frequency of repetitions, which shows how many times the same word is repeated, and a percentage graph of repetitions of the ten most frequent words. Analyzing the data surveyed, it was obtained a retrospective of recent research of IGLC, allowing recommendations for future research on Lean Construction published by IGLC and suggest strategies to streamline the efforts of IGLC community to categorize their work for future conferences.

Biografía del autor/a


Mestrando do programa de pós graduação em estruturas e construção civil da Universidade de Brasília.

Clóvis Neumann, Universidade de Brasília

Professor titular do curso de engenharia de produção da universidade de Brasília.

André Luiz Aquere, Universidade de Brasilia

Professor titular do curso de engenharia civil  da universidade de Brasília e professor do programa de pós graduação em estruturas e construção civil da Universidade de Brasília.


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