Lean Construction: IGLC research evolution and agenda for the future


  • Aline Patricia Mano Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz
  • Sergio E. Gouvea da Costa Pontifical Catholic University of Parana - Brazil Federal University of Technology - Parana - Brazil
  • Edson Pinheiro de Lima Pontifical Catholic University of Parana - Brazil Federal University of Technology - Parana - Brazil
  • Francois Jacob College of Engineering and Applied Science-University of Wyoming


Lean Construction, Lean Manufacturing, Framework Toyota Production System, Content analysis, IGLC, Civil construction


The way Lean Construction has evolved within the construction industry is still not entirely clear. Inspired by lean manufacturing, there are differences in the output of the construction industry, thus resulting in differences between both types of sectors. In 2012, Jacobs, Folkestad, Glick have conducted a study analyzing the works published in the IGLC between 1996 and 2009. The authors have noticed a gap between Lean Construction and the Toyota Production System framework. In view of the high volume of publications between 2010 and 2016, as well as of the dynamics of the sector, this work proposed to reanalyze the 686 works published in this interval, and to verify whether there have been changes in the content of Lean Construction. It also proposes to map, within the proposed topics, the main topics studied each year through content analysis. Initially, the results obtained with the publication of 2012 have been compared, and it was possible to verify that certain topics remained, as was the case of work-on-process improvement. On the other hand, new topics have emerged and became frequent, such as the case of the Last Planner tool. Thereafter, a roadmap was drawn up by grouping the main topics covered each year by topic, allowing the understanding of the development of Lean Construction in the studied time interval.

Author Biography

Aline Patricia Mano, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Departamento de Ciencias Exatas e Tecnologicas


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