Lean assembly supply strategies and results in logistics and manufacturing
Lean Logistics, Internal Logistics, and Assembly Supply,Abstract
Deployment of a lean assembly supply system has many benefits, such as productivity gains, increased cross-site communication, and planning efficiency. The article will present the theoretical basis of this application and the study of the implantation of this theory in a metal-mechanic company, as well as its impacts and results obtained. Its basic structure was adapted from the proposal of Harris, R. (2004) and Coimbra (2009) by flow with cell arrangements supported by central supermarket of manufactured and purchased parts. The study describes the steps for the implementation, the methodology used and, mainly, the difficulties in stabilizing the new process. The process uses the concepts of supermarket, line board, KLT boxes and packaging standardization, supply routes, line leveling and kaizen methodology. In the use of the new model several gains were obtained as a higher speed of supply, in relation to the ergonomic aspects, reduction of the stock in process, increase of 50% of productivity, however, some difficulties were detected that were not mapped in the initial risks of the general project . Each difficulty raised was discussed and presented to the resolution in the article, so that the structure can add knowledge in academia and organizations.References
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