Value stream mapping applied to a craft cakes company
Mapeamento do fluxo de valor, manufatura enxuta, kanban.Abstract
As a result of a more competitive scenario, the productivity in the bakery and confectionery sector have dropped making entrepreneurs looking for alternatives to make the business more profitable. Lean manufacturing allows us to adopt a new production approach and use more efficient resources, avoiding waste. The objective of this research was chart the value stream map of current and the future state in cakes manufacturing of a food company in São Paulo. In this case study, active observation, interviews, process analysis and documents were adopted, resulting in mapping the current state, identifying the processes, people and materials involved in the manufacturing. As a result of this mapping process, proposals for improvements have been made to reduce the lead time in production, using the kanban system, improving the manufacturing flow. In this way, this research collaborated in a practical way for a more efficient cakes production process.References
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