Modernity, marginalization, and intersectionality

through the lens of the press in the capital of Santa Catarina (1880-1920)


  • Samuel Victor Borba Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


The study analyzes the oppressive role of the press in Florianópolis, focusing on subordinate groups within the social structure between the 1880s and 1920s. The analysis of the periodicals “O Argos da Província de Santa Catarina”,”República”,”O Clarão”, and “O Dia”, along with the bibliographic survey, reveals that the press - as a space for disseminating the elites dominant thought and spreading the racist and moralizing scientific discourse - legitimized the processes of urban and social restructuring. Although different social minorities were targets of discrimination, the experience of those groups was exacerbated by the coexistence of social identities and discriminatory systems.

