Clandestine militancy and gender relations


  • Musa Santos


Ditadura, Clandestinidade, Gênero


During the Civil - Brazilian Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) many leftists were faced with the need to live underground. Some , in order to infiltrate through the proletarian class , to spread his revolutionary ideas , others lived underground to escape the arrests , torture and killings that occurred during this period , due to the form of government that had settled in Brazil and what brought strong enforcement for the entire national soil . This paper presents a discussion of the narrative of militants who lived in hiding , presenting experiences of clandestine life and focusing mainly on how gender relations were entered into the clandestine life . Through comparative study of these narratives , intended to observe whether there was a change or maintenance , strengthening or relaxation of gender differences in lifetime illegal . As a methodology , I intend to focus the discussions on memory and oral history . Among the sources used , this is the autobiography written by Derlei Catherine de Luca where he tells of his career as a militant of the Popular Action focusing on the period in which he lived clandestinely .




