A família rural diante da nova reconfiguração político-católica em Santa Catarina após a Segunda Guerra Mundial


  • Rogério Luiz Souza


Capitalismo, Família, Catolicismo


The purpose of this article is to examine the performance of the Catholic Church in the reorganization of the capitalist economic system and the reform of the rural family spaces and social behavior after the events of World War II from its interference in the rural family. It is understood that the Church contributed in spreading the rational logic of capitalist work on small farms in Brazil and Santa Catarina. Catholic line of thought and action contributed to the creation of the welfare state and favored a policy of social hygiene, reforming behavior and increased agricultural production based on the prophylaxis of the body in rural family and the organization of labor solidarity. This productivity ethics joined the objectives of excedent production, food supply of the major industrial cities in expansion and capitalist development.




