Textbooks and accompanying materials in teaching history of Santa Catarina: historic rescue of PNLD and analysis of regional books nominated for 2013


  • Gabriela Santetti Celestino


História, docência, livro didático, Santa Catarina.


This paper aims to present an analysis of the textbooks listed by the Ministry of Education to be chosen by the state and municipal schools of Santa Catarina in 2013 from two aspects, the first, a clipping from the military period, observe how these books deal if addressed, involvement of the state and the population with the Brazilian military dictatorship. Second, observe how these books relate to the new laws 10639/03 and 11.340/2006, claiming the inclusion of indigenous history and African content in curriculum. Realizing how the content and the choice of these books relates to the office of professor of history and the tasks of teaching and what are the educational media that present themselves as an alternative to books registered in PNLD about these demands.




